Hollins Market is seen as a staple of history, especially the surrounding area of the Market. Ways in which we could contribute to the Market is creating a zine, displaying the history of Market and surrounding businesses. This is a way in which we can contribute to local events in the neighborhood, and give local residents a history of the area around the Market. Contributions of our class project can be seen in, interviews, research, or photography. So we can have pictures or quotes from residents and local business owners. For an event to be meaningful, we need to analyze how we can contribute to Hollins Market. Does something need to change? Do we need to shed light on a specific issue? Creating a zine will help promote Hollins Market and local businesses of the area; for the outside neighborhoods/businesses. The zine can be given or displayed at the SOWEBO festival, where we as a class can contribute our findings. My interests of contributions for the project is primarily in...