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Showing posts from February, 2018

Project ideas????

Hollins Market is seen as a staple of history, especially the surrounding area of the Market. Ways in which we could contribute to the Market is creating a zine, displaying the history of Market and surrounding businesses. This is a way in which we can contribute to local events in the  neighborhood, and give local residents a history of the area around the Market. Contributions of our class project can be seen in, interviews, research, or photography. So we can have pictures or quotes from residents and local business owners. For an event to be meaningful, we need to analyze how we can contribute to Hollins Market. Does something need to change? Do we need to shed light on a specific issue? Creating a zine will help promote Hollins Market and local businesses of the area; for the outside neighborhoods/businesses. The zine can be given or displayed at the SOWEBO festival, where we as a class can contribute our findings. My interests of contributions for the project is primarily in...


When visiting Hollins Market, my idea of what I thought it was going to look like was completely different when actually visiting the Market. My past experiences for markets, came from the idea that they were to look a lot  like a  farmers market. Then when touring Lexington Market last semester my views where totally different. Now when touring Hollins Market, I realized that, "Hollins Market" isn't just limited to the market itself, but to the surrounding businesses as well. The Market itself is smaller in size, but larger if you include the surrounding businesses. The history that is located around the Market is amazing, the stables near the Market was the best part of the whole tour. To see that a horse stable in the middle of a city, because that was the original location; was truly breath taking. During this tour of the Hollins Market, I learned more history about the Market and the surrounding community. In comparison to the Lexington Market, I feel there was more ...

History of Hollins Market

In 1910-1915 There was a increase in classified and display ads about the Hollins Market. Most were promoting the business itself and what the Market offered. From 1915- 1920, was the brunt of the articles mentioning Hollins Market and how it was a common area for the locals to meet to discuss primarily crime issues in the area. There was mention of a local school sports team, on numerous accounts, but mainly the discussion was revolved around the crime in the area. Only a few talk about updating the market. Thoughts on the class project would be to create a podcast and even a zine on how Hollins Market is considered a local community space for people that live in the area. Discuss or shed light on the rich history this market has to the surrounding residents. Yes, there is always talks of remodeling, or changing the public Markets to help suit a different demographic of people in the area; but why change something with such a rich history? Seeing what has been done to help mark the ...