When visiting Hollins Market, my idea of what I thought it was going to look like was completely different when actually visiting the Market. My past experiences for markets, came from the idea that they were to look a lot like a farmers market. Then when touring Lexington Market last semester my views where totally different. Now when touring Hollins Market, I realized that, "Hollins Market" isn't just limited to the market itself, but to the surrounding businesses as well. The Market itself is smaller in size, but larger if you include the surrounding businesses. The history that is located around the Market is amazing, the stables near the Market was the best part of the whole tour. To see that a horse stable in the middle of a city, because that was the original location; was truly breath taking. During this tour of the Hollins Market, I learned more history about the Market and the surrounding community. In comparison to the Lexington Market, I feel there was more history in the Hollins Market. Our tour guide Curtis Eaddy was the person that really contributed to our experience of Hollins Market. His family is apart of the history, as well as his extensive knowledge that he has pertaining to the Market. I want to learn more of the history of Hollins Market, and the in-depth history of the local businesses that have been there for so long.
In the past week, we have outlined as a group with our grad student leader Lia; how we as the present group are going to tackle our section of the project. Lia set up for us to pick a certain part of our project to take lead on, so we all are contributing equally. The only difficult part of the assignment Lia gave, is to come up with questions that we would ask. The reason this is so difficult, because you want to make sure the questions being asked are the right ones, so it will have an easy flow to the interview. Also, specific questions can lead the interviewee to divulging more information in the interview. So the next steps going forward is to plan the days and time we will go out and begin our interviews; I'm excited for whats to come....
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