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Focus for our project....

The main focus or storyline for our project is to showcase the history of Hollins Market. As mentioned before, there isn't any ground breaking contribution we could do, but more so show case the rich history that stems from Hollins Market. Giving insight to the local businesses that have been built in or near the Market and have lasted as long as they have; is something worth celebrating. Creating a platform of advertisement for the businesses, so locals around Baltimore would come and visit. This could increase revenue for Hollins Market, that may not be present at the Market currently. The name of the project needs to be witty or clever to help draw in interest from outsiders. One idea may be: Walking History of Hollins Market.(yes, I know this screams witty!!) This project is to help explore the rich history of the Hollins Market and why the area should be consider a staple of Baltimore. During our recent visit of Hollins Market, I was unaware of the history the Market itself had; along with the surrounding businesses. So to be able to give others the insight I received, would help increase the "foot traffic" that the Market would receive.
                           Just some thoughts.....


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